Holly Moxley Art

Holly Moxley Art

One Tree Planted

Hangin' Custom Picture Framing is proud to partner with OneTreePlanted.org to plant trees in Oregon.  You are a big part of this.  Every time you purchase a custom picture frame, Hangin' will make a donation to plant a tree.

As of January 2025, Hangin' and our clients have donated 5,966 seedlings since 2019.

One Frame = One Tree Planted

Here are some photos of a planting in Oregon from 
February 2019

You can see the individual trees before and after planting.

Reforestation focus areas include wildfire restoration, biodiversity and habitat expansion, agroforestry, food security and social impact, and watershed maintenance among others.

Remember, when you purchase a custom picture frame from Hangin' 
a donation is made to plant a tree in Oregon.

Help keep Oregon green.